Places to Hunt
Hunt legal: access permission is compulsory
Hunting pigs is a fantastic recreational activity that continues to attract a huge following Australia wide. But ahead of discussions about gear and techniques the big issue is access to land.
There is no free access land anywhere in Australia. If you don't have express permission to hunt a block, you are hunting illegally.
Illegal hunters are a threat to the future of pig hunting in Australia so double check. 'Everybody does it' and 'around here, no one cares' are the catch cries of a poacher and can cloud a new hunters' judgement. It can cost you your reputation, your job, your vehicle and your dogs.
The good news is lots of landholders welcome legal, ethical hunters and there is legal public land hunting in NSW and the Northern Territory for APDHA members. Negotiations and trials continue in other States and Territories. There are also paid properties that welcome APDHA members and safari operations to get you hunting.
This page is designed to get you onto land to hunt legally.
NSW State Forests
You can legally hunt about 2 million ha of NSW State Forests using dogs, firearms or bows. All you have to do is join the APDHA, obtain your NSW Restricted Game Hunting Licence and book in.
To gain your Restricted (R) licence you need to join us, then successfully complete the R licence training program either online or in person and then fill out an application form. It takes between two weeks and month for your licence to come back and you are then good to go.
Almost all forests designated for hunting are open to hunting pigs and some are open to hunting pigs with dogs at night. You need to book in because hunter numbers allowed are based on forest size and you need to complete a return ie tell the NSW DPI how many pigs you killed before you are able to book in again.
There are some key rules for doggers relating to microchipping dogs, using tracking gear, numbers of dogs hunting and keeping dogs clipped up or caged while driving but you can hunt all over the State and free camp. It's a great system and we are big supporters.
So, here are the steps...
1. Join us
2. Study for your licence:
- Mandatory study
- Study for firearms accreditation
- Study for bowhunting accreditation
- Study for hunting with dog accreditation
3. Do the course on line
4. Or contact the APDHA on 1300 364 648 to find a face-to-face trainer.
If you plan to hunt internationally it is worthwhile remembering all US states, provinces, and other countries that have mandatory hunter education requirements will accept the New South Wales R-Licence.
NSW Public Land night time hunting rules
There are specific rules governing legal night time hunting in NSW State Forests.
Follow this link to read all about them:
Paid private land hunting access
If you don't have legal access anywhere or you are just looking to investigate new country, paid private land access is an excellent option. Inland Hunting Properties is a great supporter of the APDHA and has a range of choices for pig hunting access and for pig hunting specifically with dogs access.
Start looking here:
General information
Pig dogging properties
Pig hunting using other methods properties
APDHA National President Ned Makim with a legal NT National Park boar during trials on 2019.
Northern Territory public land pig hunting
Follow the link to our NT hunting page to start your journey to legally hunt pigs on public land in the NT.
NOTE: Access to the NT page and information on NT hunting options is only available to fully financial APDHA members.